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Disabled Students' Allowance

If you have a long term condition which significantly impacts your studies, then you may be eligible for funding through Disabled Students' Allowance via your funding body.

This is for study related support which arises as a result of your condition.

You can apply by completing an application using the links lower down the page and submitting supporting evidence as follows:

For medical conditions you will need to provide evidence your doctor/consultant which includes your diagnosis, confirmation that the condition is long term and a short summary of how your condition impacts you.

For Specific Learning Differences you will need to provide a full diagnostic report written by a suitably qualified psychologist or specialist teacher.

The specific support available varies from student to student depending on need, but falls under the following categories:

  • Specialist Non-Medical Helper Support e.g. Specialist Mentoring, Specialist Study Skills, BSL Interpreter.
  • Specialist Equipment e.g. assistive software or ergonomic equipment. 
  • Extra travel allowance to attend your course or placement.
  • Other disability related support e.g. printing allowance.
Student Finance England Help if you're a student with a learning difficulty, health problem or disability: Disabled Students' Allowance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Student Finance Wales Extra help available if you are a full-time undergraduate student with a disability | Student Finance Wales
Student Awards Agency Scotland Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) - SAAS - Funding
Republic of Ireland Fund for Students with Disabilities | Funding, Governance and Performance | Higher Education Authority (hea.ie)
Northern Ireland What is Disabled Students' Allowance for NI students - Student Finance NI
Jersey Student Finance guidance and application (gov.je)
Isle Of Man Isle of Man Government - Disabled students
Guernsey Funding for Study - States of Guernsey (gov.gg)

Once you have submitted your application, your funding body will review your application and write to you to inform you of their decision.

If you are found to be eligible for DSA, you will be asked to attend a Needs Assessment. This is not something to worry about, the assessor will talk to you about your way of working and then make some recommendations for support that would best support you with your studies.

If you would like more information about DSA, then please feel free to contact the Disability Support Team and we’ll be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

We would recommend applying for DSA at the earliest opportunity, as it can take time to get the funded support in place.

Disabled Student Allowance Diagram

Alternative Funding

If you are not eligible for support through Disabled Students Allowance but think that you may require funded support in order to access your studies, then please speak to the Disability Support Team as they will be able to discuss the available options with you. This may include applying to the University’s Reasonable Adjustment Fund or exploring alternative funding via organisations such as the Snowdon Trust https://www.snowdontrust.org/ .

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