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Quality Assurance and Complaints Procedure

Our aim is to provide a high-quality service to students.We continuously evaluate and improve our service to students by seeking feedback and will contact you at several points during your course. Please see our feedback page for information on how to leave feedback.

Complaints should be addressed in the first instance to Ruth Brown, Operations Manager, see the contact us section for ways to get in touch.

There are two complaints processes, one for University of Sunderland students and one for students who are not studying at the University of Sunderland.  Please contact us directly for the appropriate procedure or use the links below to access the document you need.

If you are a University of Sunderland student, please see the Student Complaints Process.

If you are not a student at the University of Sunderland, please see the Complaints Procedure for Students not studying at University of Sunderland


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