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Who should you refer to the Disability Support Team

The Disability Support Team (DST) are here to support students who have a long-term condition which significantly impacts their studies, and who are protected by disability discrimination legislation under the Equality Act 2010.

This includes people with long term health or mental health conditions, mobility, visual or hearing impairment, those with a neurodiversity such as ADHD or Autism, and people with a Specific Learning Differences such as Dyslexia.

We work together with our students to write a Student Support Plan which outlines their specific support requirements, we will then share this with their academic team so they are aware, and can put any necessary accommodations in place.

If you are working with a student who you believe would benefit from our support, a referral form can be found here.

If you suspect a student may have an undiagnosed Specific Learning Difference such as Dyslexia, we are able to offer students quick and easy online screening, which may lead to a referral for a full assessment – they can access the screening tool here.

You may be more comfortable simply raising awareness of our services with each new cohort at the beginning of the academic term, to help us ensure that students know that support is available.

If you have any questions please contact us.

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