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How information is recorded and stored?

Please note that when you engage with Wellbeing a record of your interaction will be held in the Wellbeing database. The Wellbeing database is held on Compass which is provided by a third party and is used by the of the University of Sunderland as our case management system. Access to detailed records of your engagement with Wellbeing will be limited to those staff defined as requiring access, although other university services will be able to see if a student has accessed our service. Your data will be held on Compass for a 7 year period, at which point it will be securely erased. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the way your information is used, please contact the Wellbeing Team in the first instance. Should you still have questions or concerns please contact Sam Seldon the University of Sunderland’s Data Protection Officer by email dataprotection@sunderland.ac.uk
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