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report and support

Report & Support


Report & Support 

Whether you've experienced or witnessed sexual violence, domestic abuse, hate, or harassment in the past – or if it's happening right now – the University's support services are here for you.  

We will always take your concerns seriously and offer you the best support we can, no matter when or where the incident took place. 

Reporting Options: 

  • Report to the University Anonymously 
  • https://reportandsupport.sunderland.ac.uk/report/anonymous : This allows us to gather information and use it to inform prevention work for the future. However, since we won't have your contact details, we won't be able to offer you support or follow up on your specific report. We will use this information to improve support services for the future. 
  • Report to the University with Contact Details  
  • https://reportandsupport.sunderland.ac.uk/report/named : Choosing to share your contact details doesn't mean you have to make a formal complaint. It allows us to get in touch with you to offer support and discuss reporting options if you'd like to pursue them. 
  • Unsure about Reporting? We can meet with you to help you explore your options and access support services. 

We will always treat your concerns in confidence. We will discuss with you if we need to share information with others. Please see our confidentiality policy for more information. 

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