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The following links below mark the 21 most recent pages you have visited in Sunderland.ac.uk.

About the Chaplaincy

 The Chaplaincy team are here to be:

  • A friendly, informal, confidential, and independent listening ear for staff and students alike
  • A resource for religious, spiritual, and ethical exploration
  • Support for students and student societies, a source of information about local places of worship and faith communities
  • An encourager of creative links between the University and the wider community.
  • Above all, the Chaplaincy team share with others in the University the concern that this should be a community that values the worth and dignity of each individual, and seeks to offer justice and fairness to all.

The Chaplaincy range of contacts

The Chaplaincy team is also connected to a wide number of faiths and denominations at work within the North East, including the North East Orthodox Jewish Chaplain, Rabbi Aaron Lipsey aaron@mychaplaincy.co.uk, the Reformed Jewish Community, the Pagan Federation, the Hindu Temple in Newcastle, and a range of local independent churches. Please contact the co-ordinating University Chaplain Revd Chris Howson if you would like further information (07846099643).


Weekly Session Timetables

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