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Places I've been

The following links below mark the 21 most recent pages you have visited in Sunderland.ac.uk.

What's On

Here is where you will find all of our live workshops and recorded videos. 

Our workshops are currently for students only and if you are a staff member please head over to the HR website to find wellbeing-related events.  

If you would prefer individual support please complete our Wellbeing Referral Form.


How to develop Confidence in Social Situations

Our practitioner Nicky Croft ran the How to develop Confidence in Social Situations Workshop and we’ve recorded this and provided relevant extracts for you to watch.

The video is split into chapters so feel free to skip to the relevant chapters for you.

You can watch our video below to learn more about developing confidence and social anxiety.


Men's Social Group

This is a safe and welcoming space where you can be yourself, open up, and connect with others. We embrace men of all shapes, sizes, colours, and backgrounds, because diversity makes us stronger.

Come along share your experiences, stories, and support one another as we navigate the journey of university life together. We look forward to meeting you and building a strong and inclusive community. See you there!


Every Wednesday 13:00-14:00pm

Location: City Space.

If you have any enquires email; wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk

Guided Visualisation

Join us for a guided visualisation session in our very own igloo. The igloo will surround you with scenes of far away beaches and lush green forests. No passport required!

This session will encourage you to use your five senses and switch off from your every day worries.

Location: The David Goldman Informatics Centre, The Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St. Peter’s.

Date and Time:

9th Feb 10:30-11:30am

To book your place please email: wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk

Bereavement support sessions

Losing someone you care about can be hard. You may feel alone or find it difficult to talk about. Our bereavement session will help you to understand more about how you are feeling and to find support at this difficult time.

In person      

Date and time:

Wellbeing Service March 13th 16:30pm - 17:30pm

Student Support Service, 1st floor Edinburgh Building.


To book your place please email: wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk

Call it a Night (Sleeping well) workshop

This is a 1 hour, one to one online session, available upon request. 


The aim of the session is to explore current behaviours that may or may not be interrupting your natural ability to gain effective sleep. 

Email: wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk  to book your session. Please state which session and time slot you are interested in.

Stress and Anxiety workshop

Stress and Anxiety Workshop

Juggling the demands of having a family and social life, being a student, and working can be stressful.

These interactive workshops can help you recognize stress and anxiety and their impact on your wellbeing. You will learn useful, practical, and helpful strategies that can be incorporated into everyday life to help you cope better with future stresses and difficulties.

Together we will find ways to overcome issues and manage life more effectively.

Dates and times:

Social Anxiety online supportive work shop -10th January 17:30pm - 18:30pm, 5 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Social Anxiety online supportive work shop -7th February 14:00pm - 15:00pm, 5 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Social Anxiety online supportive work shop -6th March 17:30pm - 18:30pm, 5 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Social Anxiety online supportive work shop -3rd April 14:00pm - 15:00pm, 5 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Social Anxiety online supportive work shop -1st May 17:30pm - 18:30pm, 5 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)


  • Social anxiety
  • Mood management
  • Grounding techniques
  • Maintaining emotional wellbeing
  • Final session

Email: wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk to book your session. Please state which session and time slot you are interested in.

Depression workshops

Our workshop offers an in-depth exploration of depression and low mood, examining their nature and underlying core beliefs. Participants will learn practical strategies to disrupt negative patterns and challenge unhelpful thoughts using techniques like the court case scenario. By setting ACE goals—Achievable, Challenging, and Enjoyable—attendees will gain the tools to break free from depression's grip and move towards a more fulfilling life.


Depression Session work shop -6th December 14:00pm - 15:00pm, 3 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Depression Session work shop -10th January 14:00pm - 15:00pm, 3 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Depression Session work shop -07th February 14:00pm - 15:00pm, 3 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Depression Session work shop -14th February 17:30pm - 18:30pm, 3 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Depression Session work shop -13th March 14:00pm - 15:00pm, 3 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Depression Session work shop -10th April 17:30pm - 18:30pm, 3 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

Depression Session work shop -08th May 14:00pm - 15:00pm, 3 sessions reoccurring same time each week. (online)

session 1
session 2 
final session

Email: wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk  to book your session. Please state which session and time slot you are interested in.

STEPS Workshop, (Strategies for Tackling Exam Pressures and Stress)

A program aimed to help students feel more comfortable approaching exams

Date and Times

8th February 1-2pm - Introduction to the course, stress and thinking.
15th February 1-2pm - Stress and the body, managing physical symptoms of anxiety.
22th March 1-2pm - Revision stratergies and learning styles (run by a specialist mentor from DST team)
29th February 1-2pm - Motivation, goal setting and 
consolidating the course

Email: wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk to book your session.

Wellbeing drop in sessions

January sessions

08th January - Recovery Connections: 13:00-14:00, @Student Support Services, advice and support about recovery and addictions.

15th January - Recovery Connections: 13:00-14:00, @Student Support Services, advice and support about recovery and addictions.

17th January - Dry January Mocktail Pop-up 11:00 - 12:00, @St Peters Social Space, tap into advice and support on drug and alcohol use.

18th January - Healthy Weight Initiative Pop-up: 11:00 - 13:00, @CitySpace, tap into Healthy Lifestyle resources.

22nd January - Recovery Connections: 13:00-14:00, @Student Support Services, advice and support about recovery and addictions.

24th January - Samaritans: 10:00-12:00, @Student Support Services, whatever your going through, you will have a caring ear with advice and support.

24nd January - Ummi & Recovery Connections Pop-up: 13:00-14:00, @CitySpace, advice and support about loneliness and advice and support about recovery and addiction.

29th January - Recovery Connections: 13:00-14:00, @Student Support Services, advice and support about recovery and addictions.



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