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To help everyone have a great experience we have some top etiquette tips that should be followed when possible.

  • Keep your microphone on mute when not speaking.
  • When speaking click the microphone icon or you can press the number 1 key on your keyboard when speaking.
  • Do not say or do anything on the day that you would not do when meeting your fellow students and staff in person. Please remember that you are representing your University, and enjoy your time on our Virtual campus.

Please remember, when you log in to VirBELA you will be taken to the VirBELA Open Campus, where you are able to interact with any other user on the VirBELA platform. You will be provided with an access code so you can access a private team suite which is a bespoke area that only University of Sunderland students and staff can access.

Within our private team suites you will be able to meet other students and get guidance from staff, take part in events and quizzes, and even attend an online Freshers Fair.