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Image of student Zoe Dzama

Zimbabwe - PhD Tourism, Hospitality & Events

Managing your money as a student in the UK

To organise finances it can bee helpful to have a separate account for rent and upkeep and one for spending money so that you don’t accidentally use that money. It is also helpful to set out a monthly budget that is realistic and can be updated once settled and average monthly spending is more accurate. Cooking your meals at home over takeout though tempting is also a great way to spend less as a student. You can get a job during your studies depending on your visa allowances . The university offers a student ambassador scheme which is pretty flexible and varying hours to fit round your studies as well as other opportunities with the SU. There are also other work opportunities to explore outside the university that can help with making extra income 

Adapting to life as a student in the UK and Sunderland

It’s really helpful to attend and engage with the events taking place during freshers week, this allows you to make new friends from all over the world and the UK. Living in student accommodation also allows you to meet new people and adapt to living in a different country. Joining a team for sports or getting involved with societies is also great way to meet new people and usually they host social evenings that you can get involved with and get to know peoples different backgrounds. The SU also has a buddy scheme that matches you up with a second or final year student who can help you get acquainted with the city and give you tips on UK life and student life.