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Online Enrolment

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Online Enrolment

Enrolment is one of the most important parts of your journey as a student. Enrolling as early as possible and ensuring you have completed all aspects of enrolment will give you a smooth start to the first few weeks of University.

Your Confirmation Letter

Once you have met all the conditions of your offer, our Student Administration team will send you your Confirmation Letter. This is commonly sent around a month prior to your programme start date.

The Confirmation Letter will confirm your place on the programme, give information on how to enrol as well as hints and tips on what to expect in the weeks to come.

The Confirmation Letter is sent to your personal email address that you applied to your course with. Therefore, if you are using an agent, it may be sent to them.

Online Enrolment

Once you have your Confirmation Letter, you'll be able to enrol yourself online. You can enrol through MyApplication where you will be able to see the Enrolment option. Enrolment opens around four weeks before your course start date – don't worry we’ll give you prompts along the way.

Our Online Enrolment will give you the opportunity to confirm all of your details with us which include the details of your programme of studies, your funding as well as your personal details so we can ensure you're set up and ready to go.

The Online Enrolment process usually takes around 5-10 minutes and is a series of questions relating to yourself, your studies and funding.

If you haven't already enrolled onto Flying Start, once you have completed your online enrolment, you'll be provided with your new University User ID so you can access our wide range of resources. You will also get access to our handy What Next? Checklist to show you what else you need to do to get prepared for University life.


Having Issues?

If you're having issues with online enrolment, you can:

  • Email our Student Administration team
    If you're stuck at any point during the online enrolment process, please send an email to studentadmin@sunderland.ac.uk, adding ‘RAPID’ to the subject line.  Please include as much information as possible, including your student number and any screenshots of where you are having issues. If the issue is payment-related, please attach any receipts/evidence of payments.

    These ‘RAPID’ emails will be handled by dedicated staff who will get a response to you within 24 hours. This response will either resolve your issue or update you on the progress. Please note, emails received from late Friday and over the weekend will be answered the following Monday. 

  • Visit our Gateway Enquiry team
    If you are around campus before your start date, you can always pop in to visit our Gateway Enquiry team at either campus. The team can help guide you through the online enrolment process and if needed signpost you to any additional support.

  • Visit our In Person Enrolment Hub
    If your course has already started, make sure to visit our In-Person Enrolment Hub on the Ground Floor, Gateway Building between 16 September - 27 September (09.00am - 4.30pm).