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Can my PASS Leader help me to write my assignment?

Home / Student Information / Your Studies / PASS / FAQ / Can my PASS Leader help me write my assignment?

Your PASS Leader is trained to deliver PASS sessions, but it is important to remember that they aren't your teacher/lecturer and they can't give you feedback on assignments or help you to write an assignment.

PASS Sessions may be delivered with specific assignments in mind - including looking at or creating your own exam-style questions or holding a group discussion around a particular assessment topic. However, the Leaders are only there to facilitate this, not to provide answers to questions or deliver new material.

If you find yourself struggling with an assignment, there are a number of options available to you, which your PASS Leader will be able to advise you on, or if they are unsure they can direct you to your Progression Officer who will be able to offer guidance towards getting the support you need.


The University's Library Services offers students a wide range of support, including both group and 1-2-1 study skills sessions on topics such as academic writing, numeracy support and academic research skills.


In most instances, your Module Leader will be best placed to be able to help you with an assignment, but you may feel more comfortable talking to your Personal Academic Tutor. They will also be able to go over any feedback you receive from your assignments or formative work