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Your sexual health matters

For many, heading to university is for many a major step in your transition to becoming independent adults and it is an opportunity to spread your wings and form new friendships, relationships, and identities.

However, like any adventure, this journey towards adulthood is not without risks. 

Many students reflect on their time at university and remember nights with one too many drinks, perhaps some experimentation with substances and sexual encounters that they may later regret.

Research by the NUS found that 37% of female students had experienced unwelcome sexual advances and 7% have experienced a serious sexual assault. This correlates with the findings of the National Crime Survey where the rates of intimate partner violence, serious sexual assault, and stalking are highest among younger adults.

Drugs and alcohol undoubtedly play a role in some of these events, and research shows that young people may be more at risk of sexual assault when under the influence.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t enjoy a drink or two without worrying about your safety, but we all have a responsibility to make sure that one another is safe and to step in where we see someone who may be unable to consent, being taken advantage of.

Please visit https://www.livelifewell.org.uk/sexual-health/ for more information


What is consent?

Consent means that you have given permission, or that someone has given you permission to engage in any intimate activity for sex.  Any sexual contact without consent is illegal regardless of the age of the people involved. In the UK, the age of consent for sexual activity is 16.

It doesn’t matter what gender you are, or whether you’re straight, gay or bisexual, if you’re planning to do anything sexual then both of you must give consent.

Consent is an essential part of healthy relationships and it’s really important to know what it is and the many ways to spot it. Both you and the person you’re with always need to consent before sex or any intimate activity.

The Home Office ‘Disrespect Nobody’ campaign provides more advice and information, including sexting, relationship abuse, rape, porn and harassment.

Visit disrespect nobody for more information and support. 

Abusive relationships

It isn’t normal to be in an abusive relationship. Abuse is never okay and if it’s happening to you, you’re not to blame. Many people do not even realize that they are being abused.

Relationship abuse can include emotional abuse (controlling behavior), physical abuse (violence), and sexual abuse.

If you are worried that you are being used for sex, being forced to have sex with others, that you feel alone and isolated, or that something in your relationship doesn’t feel right, there is lots of support available.

Visit disrespect nobody for more information and support. 

For support on Domestic Abuse & Violence, please visit the Governments DIRECTORY OF SERVICES

Chlamydia Testing

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