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Physical Health

Looking after your physical health is fundamental to student success.

Your Wellbeing Team provides a range of support in relation to all your physical health needs. It is very important to ensure you can access the support you need when you need it. We encourage all students to register with a doctor upon arrival. You should only register with a doctor (GP) in Sunderland once you are living in Sunderland. If you have yet to move, live at home, or live elsewhere we recommend registering with your closest GP.

You can find your nearest GP by using this NHS GP Finder.   or click here to view our list of Doctors surgeries in Sunderland.

Visit our website to read about how to register with a GP. If you would like some support with this, please get in touch at wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk.

If you are an International Student please also visit our page about Health Information for International Students.

We work alongside the Disability Support Team for all students with a diagnosed physical condition. The Disability Support Team (DST) provides information, support, and guidance to students with disabilities, mental health difficulties, Specific Learning Difficulties (such as dyslexia), and long-term medical conditions. Their area of expertise is learning support; if you feel that your condition or impairment is having an impact upon your studies, you can contact them:

If you have a non-life-threatening concern, don't self-diagnose or second-guess, call 111 or visit 111.nhs.uk for immediate answers.

Call 999 in a medical emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

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