The Gateway is your one-stop shop for all your enquiries.
No matter what your question is, we’ll be able to help resolve your issue or at least advise on what you need to do next and we'll keep you informed along the way through our enquiry system, Compass.
As the hub for all student enquiries, Gateway Enquiries is best placed to advise and support all students through the university journey whatever your issue.
Whether your issue is big or small, quick or complex; The Gateway Enquiries team are here to help. If we can’t help you there and then, before you leave us you will have all the information you need to resolve your enquiry.
Compass is your enquiry portal. Managed by The Gateway Student Enquiries team, you will be able to view handy FAQs, book appointments with specialist services as well as submit any enquiry you may have so you can get the right answer.
Alongside our extensive online support via Compass and our Self Service on e:Vision, you will also be able to find support at both our City and Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's.
We have an Enquiry Desk at each campus ready to help you when you need it.
City Campus | Gateway Building
Monday / Tuesday / Thursday / Friday | 8.30am - 5.00pm
Wednesday | 10am - 5.00pm
Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's | Prospect Building
Tuesday & Thursday | 8.30am - 5.00pm