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What to Expect

Re-enrolment is an important part of your return to study. Here we have put together a quick guide on what to expect within the enrolment process on e:Vision.

Personal Details

The first section of the online enrolment process is confirmation of your personal details. Here we will ask you a series of questions that include your title, forename, middle name, and surname. These must be your legal names that are detailed on any of your legal documentation such as passport, driving license etc.

We'll also ask if your surname has ever been different as well as for your Date of Birth and Known as Name. We'll use your known as name on a variety of student-facing platforms, however, not all can display this so you may see your name displayed differently depending on the platform you are accessing.

The last question that we will ask related to your personal details will be your residential status where we ask for your primary legal nationality as well as if you hold dual nationality. You may have some follow up questions depending on what you answer.

Address Details & Emergency Contact

Here we will ask a series of questions relating to contact details for yourself and your emergency contact.

When we ask for your home address, this should be the home address you reside out outside of your studies. Therefore if you live in Halls during your studies your home address will be where you live when not studying which may be a parent/guardians' house. For international/overseas students this address should be the address in your home country.

We'll also ask you to confirm your term-time address, which is an address we use to contact you during your studies. We'll use this address straight away as once your campus card has been ready, we'll post it to this address, so please ensure this is correct and you have access to the property.

We'll ask for an emergency contact as well or more commonly known as your Next of Kin.

Student Profile

The questions you will see in this section will include your gender, gender identity, sexual orientation ethnicity & religion. We ask these questions to monitor equal opportunity issues in higher education as per our obligations under the Equality Act 2016.

We will also ask questions if you are an Asylum Seeker or Refugee as well as if you have an impairment or health condition that may impact your studies. We'll use your answer to these questions to support you during your studies. We may ask for additional information to help us support you based on your answers.

Tuition Fees

In this section, we ask multiple questions based on your funding and this will be bespoke to your payment methods and fee status.

If you are sponsored by the Student Loans Company, we'll ask you to confirm this and that the details are true and accurate. Once you complete your enrolment we will then communicate with the Loans Company which is what they need to release any funding that you are eligible for.

If you are self-funding, we will detail the total fees, total fees paid to date as well as any outstanding balance that needs to be paid prior to your enrolment. If you have an outstanding balance, we provide 3 choices; to make an online payment, contact our finance teams or to advise you are not paying now.

If you advise you are not paying now you will not be able to complete your enrolment. If you have already made a payment and are still being asked to pay fees, this may be due to your payment not clearing or being allocated to your account. We recommend that you contact our Finance/Revenues team for further guidance.

International Agreement

The International Agreement is bespoke to those students enrolling with us who are visa holders.

This agreement shows international students the obligations you have as a student with relevant visa permissions as well as the University's obligations to both yourself as a student and to the Home Office.

Terms & Conditions

Within this part of the online enrolment process, you will be asked if you agree to our terms and conditions. Here we detail what those are and provide links for further reading and information. These links are not just available during the enrolment process but year-round via the Student Handbook.

We do provide a summary of what you are agreeing to but recommend that you read all information before you complete this part of the enrolment process.


Mental Wellbeing Contact

The last part o the online enrolment process we ask all students if they would like to provide a named contact of someone who can act as your Mental Wellbeing contact.

We ask all students to allow us to get in touch with someone you trust (for example a family member or friend) if you become seriously unwell and could be a risk to yourself or others. This means that we, with others, can give you the best possible support.

During this part of the online enrolment process, we recommend you read all information carefully, including the policies linked. Please note the person you provide as your named contact can be your emergency contact or Next of Kin, but can also be someone different. At any time during your student journey, you will be able to change this contact as well. You can also decide not to provide us a mental wellbeing contact if you wish.