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Club Officers image 2022

Club Officers

As discussed in Club Officers training all important forms and documents needed throughout the year will be stored here to download or fill in.

Accident Report Form

Accident Report Form

Any accidents that take place while representing Team Sunderland in competitive matches or at training need an Accident Report Form filled in.

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Playing Under Protest Form image

Playing Under Protest Form

Team Sunderland clubs can complete a Playing Under Protest Form which allows an institution the right to appeal at the conclusion of their fixture as they have not accepted the conditions of the match, it does not guarantee the outcome of any subsequent appeal.

Full BUCS regulations for Playing Under Protest can be found here

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Club Formation Form image

Club Formation Form

Any students wishing to set up a new Team Sunderland club must fill out this form Team Sunderland Club Formation Form.

You must appoint three committee members and have signed interest from a minimum of 10 interested students in order for the club to be considered.

Click Here
Wednesday Lecture Clash Form

Wednesday Lecture Clash Form

For student's wishing to miss Wednesday lectures due to clashes with sports fixtures fill in the form below so that we are aware of clashes.

If appropriate we will issue a letter to present to lecturers to enable you to miss your lecture.

Click Here
Form for reporting incidents
Report It Form

For any incidents you want reporting to Team Sunderland staff use the Report It Form in the link below.

Any issues that arise during your time with Team Sunderland, negative or positive, can be reported using this tool.

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Code of Conduct image
Code of Conduct

As a member of Team Sunderland you must be signed up to the Code of Conduct.

Committee members will share with their clubs.

Click Here
Equipment Loan Form
Equipment Loan Form

Students taking kit from the Team Sunderland office are required to fill in the Equipment Loan Form. This enables the Team Sunderland staff to keep track of kit and ensure students have responsibility for the kit they have loaned.

Any kit not returned will be held on student's records and may prevent them from progressing within university and attending events such as Varsity and Sports Ball.

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Transport List image

Transport List

For any organised trips the participating members must be registered on this Transport List form to ensure Team Sunderland have a record of those travelling.

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