You may find that as an assessment is coming up that you don't have time to do this due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control. If this is the case, you may need to apply for Extenuating Circumstances.
Extenuating Circumstances are exceptional circumstances, outside of a the students control, which have prevented them from either demonstrating or acquiring the skills, knowledge, competencies required to meet the learning outcomes associated with an assessment that contributes to the qualification for which they are studying.
Examples of Extenuating Circumstances might include.
You will be able to request extenuating circumstances in order to be able to submit your assessments at a later date without the grade being capped.
You will be able to view the policy and access the form via the Academic Quality Handbook.
Once your online Extenuating Circumstances form has been submitted with your supporting evidence, a Programme Administrator will assess each claim and if unambiguous, the claim will be accepted, and you will be advised accordingly by the Programme Administration team.
Students will be notified of the outcome of the Extenuating Circumstance claim within 5 working days of submission where possible, however, timescales may differ slightly in busier periods and in times of institutional closure.
Where students are unable to meet the specified deadline, they may submit their work late and still have it marked within seven days (one calendar week) of a summative deadline.
Students can submit work late by ONE of the following:
Students can apply to the Module Leader, or nominated representative, for an extension (normally via university email) of up to one calendar week. An application for an extension can be at any point up to three (3) days after a summative deadline