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The following links below mark the 21 most recent pages you have visited in Sunderland.ac.uk.

How it Works

First, you will need to submit a referral form to our service, following this you will be invited to an Initial Assessment with the Wellbeing Team. During this initial assessment, your practitioner may decide it would be appropriate to refer you to Problem Shared. They will discuss this with you and gain your consent to refer you.

From this, you would be referred to the service and would receive an email to your student address asking you to register. You would then need to activate your account using your University Email, answer a brief questionnaire and then get matched with one of Problem Shared therapists. You can then book your first session at the best time and date that suits you.

If you have been referred and run into any difficulty, please contact the team at wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk and we would be happy to help.

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