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Student Placement Support

Our new student placement video is a fantastic resource for those embarking on their placement journey here at the University of Sunderland. It provides information about the support services and practical tips to help you to succeed.  You will have already received lots of information from your Programme Leader and Placement Co-ordinators in preparation for your placement and it is important to keep connected with these teams.

We also wanted to remind you, that there is a wealth of Student Support you are able to access should you need to during your placement.  Whether this is around your mental health and wellbeing, disability or finances, the support service staff are ready to support you.  Remember, support is available 24/7 

Placements can be challenging, but with the right resources and support network, you’ll have everything you need to thrive!

Check out our placement video and email wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk with any questions you may have relating to support.  Should you wish to access more formal support and meet with one of our team you can make a referral here for wellbeing, here for Disability Support or contact here for Financial Guidance.  If you are struggling on placement or have any immediate concerns, please ensure you link with your Programme Lead or Placement Co-ordinator to make sure they are able to offer immediate guidance and advise.

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