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The following links below mark the 21 most recent pages you have visited in Sunderland.ac.uk.

Further support in the University

There is a lot of support available for you, visit the University website to see more support services available. 

Below are some highlighted support systems we would also like to share: 

Extenuating Circumstances

As part of the procedure, students are required to submit evidence. Students often turn to their GP (or some other support, such as community psychiatric nurse, social worker or mentor) to supply a letter of explanation and support.

The Wellbeing Team has a strict policy in that we can not provide retrospective evidence.  We can only comment whereby we have been working with a student on a regular basis (for at least two weeks).

Should you require us to support your application we will do so by email and send this to you to forward to Faculty.

Should you require an extension or require extenuating circumstances then you need to follow the appropriate procedure. Please contact your faculty for details. View the Extenuating Circumstances Policy here 

Forms can be obtained online or from the Gateway Enquiry Desk:

City Campus – Gateway Building
Telephone: +44 (0)191 515 2222

Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter's – Reg Vardy Building, Room 206a
Telephone: +44 (0)191 515 3322 

University of Sunderland in London – 
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7531 7333 

Completed forms should be submitted to the Gateway Enquiry Desk.

Student Success and Transition

The Student Success and Transition Team are available to support students studying Integrated Foundation Year, 1st & 2nd-year Undergraduates together with PGCE students.

The Student Success and Transition Team is here to support you during specific stages of University.  They can guide you on the use of different services and systems and give you support on a range of academic issues. They will assist you in developing your skills to make the most of your time here and fulfill your potential.

They can signpost you to the area of the University that can best assist you, whatever your query or issue may be. They are able to refer, signpost, and advise you on the best course of action both pastorally (Health and Wellbeing, Sports and Societies, SU, etc.) and academically (Programme Support, Study Skills, etc.) should you require their support.

You can email the team at student.success@sunderland.ac.uk or give them a call on 0191 515 2600.

Click here to find out more about what they offer.

Students with caring responsibilities

A student carer is a student of any age who provides unpaid support to someone who could not manage without this help. This could be caring for a relative, partner, or friend who is ill, frail, disabled, or has mental health or substance misuse problems.

This could also be long-term or short-term care. Short-Term could be something such as supporting someone with recovery following an accident and Long-Term can be helping someone with a long-term illness. 

We understand that sometimes this may bring additional pressures and challenges to your life and study at University and we encourage you to get in touch and find what support is available for you.

If you are a student with caring responsibilities and you feel that you may need some support please get in touch via our Student Gateway or your designated Personal Tutor.

Useful Links:

Carers.org  - Carers Trust is a major charity for, with and about carers.

Carersuk.org - Gives carers expert advice, information and support as well as campaign and innovate to find better ways to reach and support carers.

Sunderland Carers - Provides support for people who look after others. 

AgeUK - Support with caring for an older person

Armed Forces Support

The University of Sunderland are proud holders of the Armed Forces Covenant Gold Award. This demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that service personnel and their families are supported as they transition into life at university.

Nicola Hopper is the dedicated Armed Forces Contact, here to support those students transitioning out of the Armed Forces into the University of Sunderland. Lauren’s role is to ensure these students receive the best possible service from the University, offering a robust structure of support to ensure the transition back to civvy street is a successful one.

The support we provide for students includes:

  • Support through the enquiry stage to help students find the right course for them based on experience, qualifications and personal interests
  • Support navigating the application process
  • Support moving and adjusting to life at university – based on individual needs

You can find out more about the support the University of Sunderland offers service leavers, veterans, and their families here:




Nicola Hopper, Armed Forces Contact can be contacted at  armed.forces@sunderland.ac.uk or by calling 0191 515 2216.

Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater (GTRSB)

The University of Sunderland was one of the first universities nationally to sign the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen, and Boater (GTRSB) into Higher Education Pledge in January 2021. You can find out more about the pledge here. Signing the pledge demonstrates the University’s commitment to support GTRSB students into and through HE.

The We Care Team provides personalised support for all GTRSB students. The team has a dedicated contact, Wendy Price, We Care Team Manager. We offer bespoke pastoral support to GTRSB students throughout their studies, from the point of initial enquiry to graduation and beyond. Meetings are confidential and students’ choices are always respected.

The support we provide for students includes:

  • Guaranteed accommodation 52 weeks of the year (and help moving in if needed)
  • Student finance and funding, including support during the application process. GTRSB students are Priority Band 1 for the University of Sunderland bursary offer.
  • Regular check in meetings with the team
  • Opportunities to network with other GTRSB students and staff throughout the academic year.

You can find out more about the support the We Care Team offers here:


Wow: another top national award for University's We Care team | The University of Sunderland

We Care during lockdown | The University of Sunderland

The We Care Team can be contacted at  GTRSB@sunderland.ac.uk or by calling 0191 515 2216.

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