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Building Self Motivation

Before you get started, take time to reflect on what motivated you to enrol on this course? Is it due to having a particular interest in this area of study or are you studying to further your career prospects? Was it a decision based on any other reasons which provided the initial motivation for you to enrol? What are your hopes and dreams? What does achieving academic success on this programme mean to you? All these questions might be important in maintaining your motivation to study.

As you transition into your new student journey and begin to immerse yourself into your new programme of studies it is important to hold onto self-belief as this is a key dimension of motivation and will influence your ability to fulfil your academic potential.

Successful study requires time and commitment. This is studying at a higher level than many of you will have done before. Whilst exciting, there may be times when it can feel overwhelming. Taking time out now and planning ahead will be hugely beneficial to creating a structure for academic success and support to achieve your very best.

Should you find yourself struggling at any time or feeling overwhelmed, remember this is completely natural. There are many support mechanisms available to you throughout your student journey.


Here are some tips to help you stay motivated:

Create your working space.

Your best working environment needs to incorporate all the positive factors your own experiences of productive and successful study has taught you. As you study your working space needs to receive prior consideration as this is where you will be spending many hours of your time. It needs to be comfortable and ideally free from distraction and remember the importance of taking regular breaks.


Create a work life balance.

Study of any kind often requires juggling skills to manage social commitments like your relationships, family life and working commitments. Careful planning and assigning set time for studies will get you off to a strong start.


Break down your course into realistic and achievable goals.

Each day, set yourself goals which you can realistically accomplish each day. This will make you become more efficient and build momentum for you to maintain self-motivation for learning. Remember small steps will lead to the end destination in a more manageable way.


Build relationships.

There will be ample opportunity to develop new relationships whilst at University make an effort to nurture these relationships as they can be incredibly supportive and enhance your learning experience.

Think about signing up to a society or attending any SU event to make those friendships. 


Stay healthy.

Exercise of various types can be an incredible motivation boost. Studies have shown that physical activity of all kinds can help enhance creativity, decrease stress levels and sharpen mental clarity. Perhaps you know what works for you or maybe this is something you want to do more of. Either way, make sure you make time for your physical health which will also impact upon your motivation and support positive mental health.

Sleeping well and eating well are also vital to your overall health. Remember to always stay hydrated as this has been shown to increase / maintain mental acuity. By prioritising your health and wellbeing you are more likely to harness your self-motivation and fulfil your potential.

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