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Being Flexible

All the most rewarding journeys involve a series of bumps, twists and turns and your student journey will be no different.

Being flexible and embracing change will ensure you have the best student experience and obtain satisfaction and enjoyment from your studies, an integral quality for both academic success and personal health and wellbeing. Arguably some of the greatest learning can come from some of these bumps and twists along the path you have chosen.

Take opportunities to challenge yourself and with an open mind, learn to take on new tasks with energy. Remember to be kind to yourself. Not everything will turn out just as you will plan and like all the best journeys, the best things are often not what we might have predicted.

Adapting, learning and personally growing is all part of your chosen study.

Some ways in which you can develop your resourcefulness and stay flexible to achieve academic success:

Our Tips

• Embrace change and learn from experiences.

• Say yes to opportunities which may challenge you.

• Step outside your comfort zone, both academically and socially (you are not growing if you are not being stretched).

• Invest in developing a flexible mind-set which drives your thoughts, feelings and actions.

• Maintain a realistic outlook and put any difficulties into perspective

• Face any setbacks, unforeseen events, obstacles and difficulties without letting them derail you.

• Develop a realistic view of yourself and others and remember perfection is not reality but an unrealistic ideal.

• Manage strong emotions and impulses such as anger and anxiety.

• Take ownership and realistic actions when faced with difficulties and seek guidance and support if possible, or required.

• Communicate constructively and deal with perceived criticism effectively. Constructive criticism develops your academic capacity and reflection.

• Overcome procrastination & get going to achieve your goals, in ways that are achievable, realistic, and timely to your circumstances and needs.

• We can’t always be in control but we can consider what is in our control and what is not.

• Learn to recognise when you are feeling stressed and have coping mechanisms in place to manage your stress in a way that is constructive and not destructive to your wellbeing and mental health.

• Self-care: being mindful that you eat regularly; exercise in ways that suit you and that you promotes good breathing; and ensure you get enough sleep to work and study effectively.

Question - How flexible is your mind-set? Are you kind enough to yourself to be able to change, give permission to do things and see things differently?

A flexible and positive approach can be learnt and sometimes just requires you to fine tweak some of the things you are doing and sometimes not doing some of the things you are doing which might have become a habit for you.
Support is available should you wish to access such support.

We can work in partnership with you to develop and strengthen your skills. To get in touch with the Wellbeing team email us at wellbeing@sunderland.ac.uk or reach us by phone via 0191 515 2933 

You can also use Silvercloud, an online self-help CBT platform that can help you manage things such as stress and anxiety.

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